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Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

I trust this message finds you amidst the energy of purpose and determination to address the paramount challenge of our time – the escalating impact of Global Warming.

As we bear witness to the disconcerting reality that 2023 stands as the warmest year on record, temperatures surging 1.18°C above the 20th-century average, we find ourselves facing the stark truth of the disasters unleashed by this escalating crisis.

Our collective encounters with environmental disruptions emphasize the pressing need for resolute, bold action. Regrettably, the endeavors made thus far fall short, and the momentum of change lacks the vigor required to stave off the impending catastrophe.

In this critical juncture, I reach out as a dedicated Turkish woman politician, representing the DEVA (Democracy and Progress Party) in the parliament. Turkey, a nation significantly impacted by climate change-induced natural disasters, has a vital role to play in this global narrative. Yet, the enormity of the challenge requires a collective effort on a global scale.

I propose a paradigm shift in our approach. As women politicians committed to environmental stewardship, we possess the unique power to instigate change. It is imperative that we explore innovative, unconventional avenues to wield our influence effectively and bring about tangible political and financial transformations.

I envision the creation of a civil, flexible, transparent, and participatory international organization—outside the constraints of the established bureaucratic system—to magnify our impact on the global stage. The idea is to foster a collective force, transcending political affiliations, that can navigate swiftly and creatively to address the urgency of our time.

The initiative I propose is "Women Politicians for Global Warming." This platform aims to unite female politicians worldwide who share our sensitivity to the perils of global warming. Together, we can form a coalition dedicated to combating the social and natural disasters wrought by climate change.

I implore you, esteemed politicians, to engage in a dialogue that goes beyond borders and party lines. Let us discuss, nurture, and mature this idea into actionable steps that will shape a united front in the face of this impending global crisis.

The clock is ticking, and we stand at a precipice. It is our collective responsibility to act now and forge a path towards a sustainable future.

Eagerly awaiting your thoughtful consideration and collaboration.