1. How do you assess the long-term effects of climate change on Türkiye and the world?
It is clear that climate change poses a long-term threat globally, with environmental, economic, and social impacts. Globally, we can expect rising sea levels, an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, reduced agricultural productivity, and loss of biodiversity. In Türkiye, we risk losing the advantages of our fertile Anatolian lands, sustained by water resources and agriculture. These conditions increase the potential for encountering risks in the near future that will be extremely difficult to remedy, particularly by endangering food security. Already adversely affected by improper agricultural practices, unplanned urbanization, and poorly designed industrial initiatives, our country could face further critical declines in agricultural production, desertification, water resource depletion, and deforestation due to the climate crisis.
Moreover, inadequate urban planning and infrastructure will make the adaptation process to climate change even more challenging. It must be emphasized that children and youth will bear the brunt of these negative impacts, experiencing increased health problems, developmental disorders, and serious illnesses. It is unacceptable that their most basic rights—access to a clean environment, clean water, and clean food—are progressively jeopardized, making it harder for them to grow into healthy, qualified individuals.
For this reason, while combating the climate crisis requires the involvement of experts and national administrations, I believe the role of everyone, particularly women and female politicians, who perceive and feel these risks most acutely, is of utmost importance.
2. What are the primary goals of your political party in addressing climate change?
The DEVA Party aims to develop comprehensive and sustainable policies to combat climate change. Adopting a holistic approach to issues, our party recognizes the integrative nature of climate and environmental concerns, similar to our approach to culture, economy, and women's issues. We address these matters through a multidisciplinary understanding and working methods.
The first and, in my view, the most important priority is ensuring the sustainability of natural resources for future generations. Our party policy includes the sustainable conservation of agricultural, forest, and water resources, as well as a review of mining permits with regard to their environmental impacts.
As a country prone to disasters, we also prioritize preventive and protective measures, disaster management, and strengthening local participation. Establishing a disaster-resilient structure through decentralized governance is vital to us.
Combating desertification and erosion is another focus of our policies, as these issues pose significant risks of desertification for our country. We aim to develop a comprehensive strategy to address this challenge, focusing on its root causes such as drought, erosion, improper land use, and deforestation.
Above all, we have a duty to protect planetary health for the safety and fundamental rights of children, the elderly, and every citizen, as well as for all people and living beings around the world. The work we do and the achievements we gain will only hold meaning and value if we can ensure a safe, clean, and peaceful environment in which to live.
Member of Parliament for İstanbul, DEVA Party
Deputy Chairperson of DEVA Party