
Nearly 68 Million Affected by Drought in Southern Africa, Regional Bloc Reports

Around 68 million people in Southern Africa are grappling with the impacts of a severe drought induced by El Niño, which has devastated crops throughout the region, according to the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Nearly 68 Million Affected by Drought in Southern Africa, Regional Bloc Reports

Around 68 million people in Southern Africa are grappling with the impacts of a severe drought induced by El Niño, which has devastated crops throughout the region, according to the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The drought, which began in early 2024, has significantly disrupted crop and livestock production, leading to food shortages and broader economic damage. The heads of state from the 16-member SADC bloc are convening in Harare, Zimbabwe, to address regional challenges including food security.

Elias Magosi, the SADC executive secretary, reported that approximately 68 million people—about 17% of the region's population—are in urgent need of assistance. "The 2024 rainy season has been particularly difficult, with many areas experiencing adverse effects from the El Niño phenomenon, including delayed rainfall," Magosi stated.

This drought is considered the worst Southern Africa has faced in years, attributed to the combined effects of the El Niño climate pattern, which causes abnormal warming of the eastern Pacific Ocean and disrupts global weather patterns, and the increased average temperatures due to greenhouse gas emissions.

Several countries, including Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi, have declared the hunger crisis a state of disaster. Lesotho and Namibia have also sought international humanitarian aid.

In response to the crisis, the region appealed in May for $5.5 billion in humanitarian aid to support drought relief efforts. However, according to Joao Lourenco, the outgoing SADC chair and President of Angola, contributions have fallen short of the target. "The funds raised so far are unfortunately below the needed amount. I urge regional and international partners to intensify their efforts to support those affected by El Niño," Lourenco emphasized during the summit.

The drought remains a key topic at this year's summit, alongside other significant issues such as the ongoing conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, which Lourenco highlighted as a major concern.

(Reporting by Nyasha Chingono; Editing by Nellie Peyton and Ana Nicolaci da Costa)